Hyperverse is first and foremost a VR-centric, furry-based hyper and kink group. Hyperverse exists to give like minded people a place to mingle and find similarly minded folks - and especially to let you meet hypers 'in person' in VR!

To keep the vibe strong, there are some things you should adhere to:

In chat:

- All hyperverse spaces are 18+. Please try your best to act like it.
- Keep drama from in or outside the group elsewhere. Arguments should be sorted in private. If you get heated, stop typing!
- Self promotion is allowed in moderation, as long as you are otherwise regularly engaged in the chat. Don't just use the chat to drop links!
- Image posting doesn't need to be many at a time, try and find a single image you think we'll like! Posting so many it bumps the last written message off the top is too excessive.
- Starting conversations with 'I'm bored', 'I'm sick', 'I'm lonely' isn't appropriate.
- Please be respectful when DM'ing members, asking before doing so is preffered, but at least make sure to check a persons bio beforehand.
- Images of real life people, sexual or otherwise, should be kept to a minimum.
- Admins are here to try and keep the space the best for all members, blocking an admin is grounds for being removed.

In meets:

Hyperverse meets maintain a casual nudity/appreciation vibe, where we tend to 'hang out' quite freely, huddle up, chat, and just be big.

Please bear in mind:

- All hyperverse spaces are 18+. Please try your best to act like it.
- Consent is sexy. Please respect others' space, and ask before touching, weather it be hugs or lewd.
- Use your best judgement when you invite someone to a meet; do they fit the vibe? Are they likely to invite people inappropriate to the group without thinking?
- Casual is key! You shouldn't be loudly or noticeably fucking in the middle of a meet. Take it off to one side if there's room, or find your own instance.
- If you see or hear someone doing this excessively, politely nudge them off to one side where they can't be heard. Don't be rude - they just got caught up in the moment.
- There is such a thing as too big. Again, please be respectful of everyone around you when sliding those sliders.